Sunday, May 19th 2019

2 Timothy 4

A Holy Calling – A Study of 2nd Timothy

Paul had labored in church planting for many years. One of his young protege’s was a man named Timothy. In this letter, you will see a love for this younger man in the faith. You will see the tenderness of a loving spiritual father as he encourages Timothy while at the same time gives him stern reminders and instructions. At it’s core, this letter is all about discipleship. The key to the kingdom lies in those more mature in the faith taking responsibility for those who are less mature ultimately for their mutual benefit and furthering the missional calling of the church.

Best Practices for Missional Community Bible Study Facilitation

-As you begin each study, pray that God will speak to you through his Word.

-Listen attentively to other members. Encourage only Bible reading from phones during the study.

-Work to include everyone’s voice by asking follow-up questions, restating what you heard someone say, and asking for more details to thoughts given by group members.

-It is often helpful for someone to take notes of the discussion and send them out afterwards to reinforce key learnings from the study.

-Pray for one another and be accountable to applying the word of God to your lives.

General Questions:

1. What does this scripture communicate about the heart of God?

2. What does it teach us about ourselves?

3. Does it challenge our thinking/beliefs in a new way?

Sermon Specific Questions: Read 2 Timothy 4 and discuss the following:

  1. How does knowing about Paul’s experience of suffering affect the way you understand his last words?
  2. Are we called to win the race or to run the race? How does that affect our intention to give 100 percent?
  3. What role do fellow Christians play in your spiritual journey? Do you grow more on your own or with a friend?