Sunday, September 15, 2019
EXODUS 15:22 – 18:27


Moses Introduction

Moses is one of the heroes of our faith. Not because he was perfect, but because God chose him and used him for His purposes. As we study his life, our hope is that we will all see how God longs to be with us and to use us for His kingdom. Through miraculous signs and wonders as well as the seemingly mundane tasks of daily life, God is always at work in and around us. As you study his life, may you see God in a new light and be encouraged to live on mission with Him.

Best Practices for Missional Community Bible Study Facilitation

  • As you begin each study, pray that God will speak to you through his Word.
  • Listen attentively to other members. Encourage only Bible reading from phones during the study.
  • Work to include everyone’s voice by asking follow-up questions, restating what you heard someone say, and asking for more details to thoughts given by group members.
  • It is often helpful for someone to take notes of the discussion and send them out afterwards to reinforce key learnings from the study.
  • Pray for one another and be accountable to applying the word of God to your lives.

General Questions:

  1. What does this scripture communicate about the heart of God?
  2. What does it teach us about ourselves?
  3. Does it challenge our thinking/beliefs in a new way?

Sermon Specific Question:

  1. When have you ever lacked and needed to trust in God’s provision?
  2. With God’s provision in mind, do you find yourself grumbling about certain areas of your life all the while God is in fact providing? What testimony can you share?
  3. Read the story of Moses raising his hands in Exodus 17. There are times of doing something physically demanding in our journey of faith. How often are you doing something that requires trust in something that is physically hard and who is there to help you? (example: God may be asking you to wake up at 5am and pray).