Greetings! Below you will find questions which reference the sermon preached on Sunday, May 17th, 2015 at The Park. This week we studied Hebrews 8. Have someone in your group read this section of scripture.

Each week new questions are posted to track along with the sermons. Work hard to facilitate discussion. Listen to the hearts around the room and close with prayer.

Intro to Hebrews:

The theme of Hebrews is the absolute supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ as revealer and as mediator of God’s grace. The prologue (1:1–4) presents Christ as God’s full and final revelation, far surpassing the revelation given in the OT. The prophecies and promises of the OT are fulfilled in the “new covenant” (or “new testament”), of which Christ is the mediator. From the OT itself, Christ is shown to be superior to the ancient prophets, to angels, to Moses (the mediator of the former covenant) and to Aaron and the priestly succession descended from him. Hebrews could be called “the book of better things” since the two Greek words for “better” and “superior” occur 15 times in the letter. (

Questions for this week:

  • In verse one it tells us that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. As our great High Priest, what is the significance of Him being seated? What does this say about rest and what He has accomplished?
  • What has been your experience in keeping the Law according to the Old Testament? How does it compare to your experience in the New Covenant? In what ways is Jesus the High Priest mediating a better covenant versus the Old?
  • Think of a time when you were in a sacred place–a temple, cathedral or other large religious structure. What feelings were these buildings built to inspire? Similar to Hebrews 8:5, discuss how even the greatest of these buildings and all of our religious rituals are just a copy and a shadow of God’s glory.
  • Talk about times when you may have idolized aspects of your religion. What we mean is when we’ve found our identity in our buildings, our large congregations, our financial well being–and acted to further and protect those things. Think back to what Jesus says to the rich young ruler in Matthew 19. Discuss the idea that Jesus isn’t interested in people giving up money–but instead of them giving up idols in their lives.
  • Think of the idea that “in every generation, the church is new.” Do you agree? What does that saying mean to you? Is the work of the Holy Spirit something completed that we reflect on, or is it something that continues?
  • Up to this point in Hebrews, what tone(s) do you sense from the author towards the reader? How difficult do you think this message would have been to a people who only knew the temple and the priests? As you have reflected over the last several weeks on Hebrews, are there systems or people that you have come to realize you hold higher than Jesus?