Greetings! Below you will find questions which reference the sermon preached on Sunday, May 5th, 2013 at The Park. Each week new questions are posted to track along with the sermons.

The book of Exodus is a great story of redemption, faith, and the sovereignty of God.

I encourage you to begin your group with a time of greeting and introductions. You may choose to reorder the questions below or to write your own. Work hard to facilitate discussion and avoid allowing yourself or another member to speak the entire hour. Ultimately we trust you with leading your group.

  • What are some observations you had from this chapter?
  • Were there any new insights you learned about the passage from the sermon?
  • What theology was present in this chapter?
  • What did you learn about God from reading this chapter?
  • Chapter 12 almost seems like a new beginning for the nation of Israel: new calendar, new festival (passover), beginning of a journey to their new home. What was your new beginning in the Lord like? Share your testimony with someone.
  • The death of the firstborn in chapter 12 is one of the darkest stories of the bible. What is your interpretation of it? When has God taken you through dark times in your life? Moses’ command to the people in chapter 13 is to “remember.” Why is it significant that we remember the dark times and how the Lord brought us through?
  • In Chapter 13 of Exodus we are introduced to God’s guidance through a pillar of fire and a cloud of smoke. The Lord was physically present with them. How is this similar/different from our experience with God now?
  • Throughout these chapters God instructs the people to tell these stories to their children (ex. vs 12:26, 13:14). What are we responsible to teach our children? In what way can those without children, or with grown children, be involved in this task?
  • Chapter 12:43-49 give the Lord’s regulations for who may partake in the passover. Who is excluded? Who is included? Can an outsider participate? on what terms?