Greetings! Below you will find questions which reference the sermon preached this past Sunday at The Park. I encourage you to begin your group with a time of greeting and introductions. You may choose to reorder the questions below or to write your own. Work hard to facilitate discussion and avoid allowing yourself or another member to speak the entire hour. Ultimately we trust you with leading your group.

Martin Luther says of Roman’s, “This letter is truly the most important piece in the New Testament, It is the purest Gospel. It is well worth a Christian’s while not only to memorize it word for word but also to occupy himself with it daily, as though it were the daily bread of the soul.” What’s your relationship to Romans? Do you read it often? Do you memorize it? Why or why not?

Structure of the book of Romans:

Sin, our need for righteousness – Romans 1:18-3:20
Salvation, righteousness imputed – Romans 3:21-5:21
Sanctification, righteousness imparted – Romans 6-8
Sovereignty, righteousness rejected – Romans 9-11
Service, righteousness practiced – Romans 12:1-15:13
Synthesis, righteousness in Paul – Romans 15:14-16:27

Questions for Chapter 16:

  • What are some observations you had from this chapter? Were there any new insights you learned about the passage from the sermon?
  • What theology was present in this chapter?
  • What did you learn about God from reading this chapter?
  • What do you think is Paul’s purpose in making so many individual greetings? What do you notice about the names and what is said about them?
  • How does this letter fit into Paul’s ministry? (date, audience, time of life, progress of his ministry, etc.)
  • Summarize the book of Romans in one sentence. For an additional exercise, make a chart that summarizes the whole book, chapter by chapter.
  • Verses 25-27 are Paul’s final benediction to the Romans. What is the reason for the gospel which Paul gives in verse 26b?
  • Paul has been stressing church unity thus far in the book, who does he say to avoid in verse 17?
  • Write a similar benediction to someone you love or have discipled. Consider giving it to them.